The Learning Pad



Homework should be an enjoyable opportunity for parent and child to interact and share in the learning experience. It is given so that parents can take an active role in their child's learning. Homework allows children to practice skills already learned in class. Practice is an important step in the learning process.

Homework is assigned on Monday and collected the following Monday. This allows families the flexibility to do homework when it is convenient for them. It will generally include spelling work, several math pages and daily reading. There will be an occasional project from time to time. Homework is not intended to be tedious or stressful. It's primary goal is to foster a love for learning that can be shared as a family.



Frames and Arrows math homework

download story map here


Feel free to jot a note in your child's FROG Binder or give me a call. Remember to mark the binder with a post it note to let me know there is a note.

Need to know right away? Send me an email at home. Use the link below.

Is it urgent? My phone number is listed in your Frog Binder on the communications page. Feel free to give me a call at home.

Contact me.

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