The Learning Pad

Word Choice Unit

*Please note that some lessons may take more than 1 day. Other lessons might be taught during a mid workshop teaching moment

Lesson 1
Words are Wonderful!

Lesson 2

Lesson: Writers use juicy words to describe things

  • Bring out a puppet.  The puppet is very sad.  As you interact with the puppet you discover that he is sad because he had to take a bath.  He was out picking berries and they were delicious.  He ate and ate berries and got covered in berry juice.  He begins to describe the berries using very descriptive language.  
  • Explain to the puppet that you are so glad he came because he has just modeled something very important.  Ask the kids if they  noticed the words that the puppet used to describe the berries.  
  • He used juicy words to describe those berries.  He really had our attention with all those great juicy words.  
  • Writers use juicy words to describe things.  Juicy words are words that make the writing interesting and appealing to read.  Dry words are boring words.  We don't want to use dry boring words.  We want to use juicy exciting words.
  • Ask the kids to think of a juicy word that describes the puppet that came to visit and share it with their talking partner.
  • Before sending kids off to write, remind them to use juicy words when they write.

Lesson 3
Juicy words make the reader hungry for more
Lesson 4
Juicy words can be color or size words
Lesson 5
Juicy words make the imagination sizzle
Lesson 6
Juicy words tell MORE
Lesson 7
Juicy words paint pictures in the reader's mind
Lesson 8
Digging for Juicy Words

Lesson 9

Lesson: Writers use power verbs to tell their stories 
  • Bring out a regular screwdriver and a power screwdriver and a board with a screw in it.  
  • Show the kids the two tools.  Model how to use the regular screwdriver to remove the screw.  Note how long it takes.
  • Next use the power screwdriver to remove the screw, making sure to use the word power tool.
  • Discuss the difference in the two tools.  One is much more powerful in how it does its job.  
  • Verbs are action words like walk, run, jump... anything that you can do.
  • Some verbs are more powerful than others.  Run- jogged, trotted, raced, etc.  Have the kids help you brainstorm more powerful verbs for the word run or walk.
  • Just like a writer wants to use juicy describing words, a writer should use powerful action words to make their writing more powerful.
  • Remind the kids to try to use one powerful verb in their writing today.

Lesson 10

Power words are action packed


Lesson 11

Power words are explosive


Lesson 12

Power words bring a piece to life


Lesson 13

Power words aren't wimpy


Lesson 14

Lesson: Tired words... 

Lesson 15

Lesson: Add a little SPLASH to your piece 



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