F.R.O.G stands for Fully Responsible, Organized and Growing. The FROG Binder is an organizational
tool. It features sections for homework, communication, spelling, notes, lunch money, finished work, and math practice.
It is a link between school and home. Your child should bring their binder to school each day. If you have included a note
please flag the binder with a post it note to let me know there is new communication. Please check your child's binder regularly.
Inside Front Pocket- Newsletters and Notes: The front
pocket of the binder is where the children place school newsletters and the myriad of other notes that are sent home. =)
Zippered pouch: Lunch money/Field Trip notes/office notes (such as early dismissal)
Behavior Log/Class Rules: Children reflect each day on thier behavior. Please wipe the log clean at the end of the
Communication Log: Check here for notes from the teacher or write notes, quesions or comments to the teacher here.
Spelling Section: Ideas for practicing spelling words and word work
Frogtastic Math Facts: Use a dry or wet erase marker to practice math facts and then wipe clean.
Back pocket- Homework You may download additional pages for your child's FROG Binder here.
Frog binder labels
Class rules
Behavior log
communication cover
communication log
book log
spelling section
Frogtastic math facts
Parent letter and instructions
Frog Binder sheets in Microsoft word
Frog binder cover .doc
Communication Log cover .doc
Communication log .doc
Class rules .doc
Frog binder labels 1
Frog binder labels 2
Frog binder parent letter .doc
Frog binder behavior log .dco
Frog binder fact practice .doc
Frog binder book log .doc
frog binder spelling .doc