Every child comes into the world with a natural passion for learning. Young children explore the world with excitement and
wonder. They question, explore, invent and imagine. They have an unquenchable passion for learning that leads them on the
journey of life from infancy into toddlerhood and eventually into the school age years. This passion, which burns so brightly
in the eyes and hearts of young children, should not flicker out when a child begins formal schooling. I believe whole-heartedly
that my primary responsibility as a teacher is to instill in children a love for learning itself. I want to create life long
learners who love learning and know the joy of discovery.
I strive to create an environment and build spaces that are laboratories for learning, discovery and surprise. Our classroom
is a place in which learners can explore the past, the present and build the future, a place in which they can ask questions
and find answers, in which they can explore the world and make new discoveries. I work to build spaces for my learners to
explore and discover, places where they love to be and don't want to leave. I want my classroom to offer compelling invitations
to learn. As a teacher I am opening doors to a vast world with a rich history and a bright future. Our classroom is characterized
by active, lively interaction between students, teacher, and the world. There is always something "hoppening" in
our little corner of the world.
"Teaching is not about filling a bucket, but about lighting a fire." William Butler Yates
My family: Rachel, Bruce, Brittany, me, and Ben.

A little bit about me....
My childhood days were spent in the jungles, the beaches and the mountains of Ecuador. I am a fluent spanish speaker.
My family returned to the United States when I was a teenager.
I met my husband Bruce (a native Wisonsinite) in college. We moved to California in 2014. Bruce is the academic dean
of SUM seminary. We have awesome three children (ages 20, 21 and 23).
I am passionate about learning. I love books! I love reading! My spare time is spent running, reading, researching,
learning and enjoying my family. I love sunshine, warmth, and green grass. One of my greatest loves is chocolate, especially
when it's covering marshmallow. Pooh bear is my hero, from whom many life lessons can be learned.
I hate spinach, liver, and above all else cold weather. Snow would be ok if it was warm. And the best thing about winter
is that it is followed by spring!
I received my bachelors degree in psychology from Evangel University in 1990 and my masters of arts in teaching in 2004
from National Louis University.