Literacy Leap
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Literacy Recipe
A master chef mixes and blends a variety of ingredients to create a culinary delight. As a teacher I blend a variety of literacy
components and techniques in order to create strong, passionate readers and writers. Our balanced literacy program includes
word work (working with letters and sounds), guided reading, shared reading, opportunities for fluency development, and workshops.
We use songs, poems, stories, read alouds, group discussions, and many other techniques to immerse ourselves in language.
Below you will find information on a variety of literacy activities used in our classroom. For more information on the
structure of our reading workshop and the Fabulous Four check out the Reader's Workshop link on the left.

Mrs. Munch and the Munchettes

Mrs. Munch and her little Munchettes are favorite members of our classroom community. Mrs. Munch is an unusual frog with
a very healthy appetite. She loves to eat and eat and eat... and eat! She gets pretty cranky when she's hungery. We feed
her word cards daily to keep her happy. The problem is that she is a bit fussy; actually she is very, very picky about what
she eats. One day she may only want words with brave vowel (long vowels) sounds. The next day she may only want words with
suffixes. The kids and I offer her word cards and try to figure out what it is she wants to eat each day. We feed the little
munchettes during our literacy work station time each day.

Meet Gogo
Gogo is a friendly, but odd bird who often visits our pond. Gogo has a hefty appetite much like Mrs.
Munch. However, Gogo eats very unusual things. He often has a belly ache when he visits because of the things he's eaten for
breakfast. He seldom makes healthy choices. Gogo has even been know to try to eat the principal's car! All the things that
Gogo eats each day have something in common. Gogo whispers clues about the things he ate and the kids must guess what he ate
based on the clues. Once we have guessed all the items on his menu for the day we discuss what they have in common. Then we
give Gogo some healthy suggestions that fit his rule of the day.

Reading Strategies
Reading Strategies
* Look for word chunks
* Say the beginning sound
* Stretch the word out
* Check for meaning: Does that make sense?
* Skip the word and read to the end of the sentence then Reread
* Do the sounds fit the letters?
* Use picture clues.
Comprehension strategies
* Activate schema: think about the things you know and have experienced that relate to what you are reading.
* Predict: thinking about what you think might happen.
* Picture walks: flip through the pages and look at the pictures.
* Use picture clues to confirm information
* Question: What did you learn? What do you wonder about?
* Make connections: this reminds me of...
* Infer: thinking that helps you understand the story; based on clues the author gives. (Differs from prediction because
it cannot be confirmed.)
* Draw conclusions
click here to download reading strategy cue cards
Reading Strategy Web Links
For a more detailed explanation of strategies click here.

How can I help my child become a fluent reader?
I'm so glad you asked. =) Read, read, read, read! Read to your child, read with your child. Make reading fun. Enjoy reading.
Model reading. Make reading a regular and fun part of life. Fill your child's life with books. Children who love books will
want to read.
Listen to your child read often, share the text with them. Alternate reading turns.
When your child comes to an unknown word give them think time to look at the word and attempt it on their own. If they
need help suggest some strategies they can use to figure out the word. Work with them to figure out the word together.
Curl up with your favorite blanket website
Reading Rockets:Raising a Reader