Work Stations

Big Book Work Station |
Learners in our classroom are hopping around, learning and growing during our work station time. Children participate in work
stations each day. Work stations allow children to explore language and practice literacy skills. During work stations learners
can choose from a variety of fun learning activities. We have 15 work stations that learners may choose from. Work stations
offer children the opportunity to explore freely from a variety of learning experiences. It also allows them some time to
relax and enjoy learning with friends.

Word Work Station: sorting nouns and verbs |
Our work stations include poetry station, word work station, abc work station, smartboard station, pocket chart station,
big book station, reading work station, writing work station, construction station, listening station, number station, discovery
box station, clip board station, table top station, and word wall station.

Poetry Work Station |
What are work stations?
Literacy work stations are work zones within our classroom where students work either alone or with a partner, using instructional
materials to explore and expand their literacy and learning. A variety of activities reinforce and extend the learning that
is occurring throughout the day. During this time children are actively engaged in practicing reading, writing, and working
with words in a meaningful and relevant context. Work stations are an integral part of classroom instruction.
Instructional materials already used in classroom teaching are placed in work stations. Work stations remain constant
throughout the year, but new materials are added as they are introduced in classroom instruction.
Work Stations allow for choice. This choice allows children to work at their instructional level. For example, in the
Big Book Station children can choose from a variety of big books of differing levels. They are then free to choose how they
might use the big book to practice reading skills they are working on in class. They might choose to read the book and highlight
compound words using highlighter tape. Or they might choose to use word frames to play the frame it game with a friend, framing
long vowel words. In the Word Work Station children can choose to write the room, "feed" Mrs. Munch word and picture
cards that fit her sound of the day, manipulate word wall words, or play flashlight word tag. The activities grow out of what
the teacher has done during shared reading, word work, read aloud, and modeled reading and writing instruction.
The emphasis of Literacy Work Stations is on meaningful, independent practice of literacy skills. It's a time to children
to manipulate letters, words, sounds, and to build their skills as readers and writers.
We end our day with 20 minutes of work station time each day.
Work Station Ideas
Poetry Station
*Read poems in poetry binder
*Read poetry charts/ use pointers
*Use fly swatters to frame words
*Copy a poem
*Use highlighter tape on poetry charts to identify things such as word families, contractions, compound words, etc.
Big Book Station
*Read familiar big book
*Use frames to frame words
*Use highlighter tape to mark words
*Use strategies to figure out words hidden under post its
Word Work Station
*Use magnetic letters
*Build words with word building folders
*Sort words
*Play a word game (boggle, upwords, etc.)
*Scoop and Spell (scoop letter tiles with ice cream scoop and build words)
Reading Station
*Read alone
*Read to someone
*Read with a stuffed buddy
Clip Board Station
*Write the room
*Copy a poem
*Do a survey
Word Wall Station
*Sort words
*Alphabetize words
*Copy words
*Play Flashlight Find It with a partner
Writing Station
*Write a story
*Write a letter
*Write a list
*Write words
*Make a book
ABC Station
*Feed Mrs. Munch
*Build an abc puzzle
Table Top Station
*Write and wipe cards
*Magic boards
*File folder games
Listening Station
*Listen to a book on the computer
*Listen to a story at the listening center
Pocket chart Station
*Sequence stories
*Matching activities
*Sorting activities
*Ordering activities
Number Station
*Play a file folder game
*Use math kits
*Play an everyday math game
*Use math manipulatives
Work Station Logs
Work Station Classroom signs- Download
Download Simple Work Station Logs
Download Work Station Logs
Download student Work Station Menu
(Work Station logs can be downloaded from the link above.)