Winter Wonderland

Songs and Poems
Dance Like Snowflakes
Tune: Are You Sleeping
Dance like snowflakes,
Dance like snowflakes,
In the air, in the air,
Whirling Twirling Snowflakes,
whirling Twirling Snowflakes,
Here and there, here and there!
Funny Snowman
I made a funny snowman,
One frosty, winter day.
But when he met the sunshine,
My snowman ran away.
Build a Snowman
Tune: Frere Jacques
Build a snowman, build a snowman
Big and round, big and round
Sun is shining on him
Sun is shining on him
He's all gone, he's all gone
~Author Unknown

Little Snowman (Tune: Tiny Tim)
I made a little snowman
One frosty, winter day.
But when he met the sunshine
My snowman went away.
I looked for my snowman
I did not like his tricks
But all I found was buttons,
a puddle and some sticks!
Snowman Song:
Tune: I'm a Little Teapot
I'm a little snowman,
round and fat.
Here are my mittens,
Here is my hat.
When the sun comes out
I melt away.
See you next year
On a snowy day.
The Chubby Snowman
A chubby little snowman
Had a carrot nose.
Along came a bunny,
And what do you suppose?
That hungry little bunny,
Looking for his lunch,
Ate that snowman's carrot
Nibble, nibble, crunch.
You Are My Snowman
Tune: You Are My Sunshine
You are my snowman,
My only snowman.
You make me happy,
On days of gray.
And when the sun's out,
You'll hear us all shout.
Please don't take our snowman away!
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