Falling into Fall!!

Poems and Songs
Fall Is Here
(Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
The leaves are falling down.
The leaves are falling down.
Red and brown they flutter down.
The leaves are falling down.
The squirrels hide their nuts.
The squirrels hide their nuts.
They hide them away for a winter day.
The squirrels hide their nuts.
The children go to school.
The children go to school.
They learn and play through out the day.
The children go to school.
The Dancing Leaves
(Tune: Clementine)
The dancing leaves are falling down
orange ,yellow, red and brown.
They are dancing, they are dancing
They are dancing on the ground.
With their crispy and crunchy sound
They are the children delight.
Dancing, dancing up and down
From the morning to the night.
Down! Down!
Yellow and brown.
The leaves are
falling all over town.
The Leaves on the Trees
(Tune: The Wheels on the Bus)
The leaves on the trees turn orange and red, orange and red, orange and red,
the leaves on the trees turn orange and red,
all through the fall.
The leaves on the trees come tumbling down,
tumbling down, tumbling down,
the leaves on the trees come tumbling down,
all through the fall.
The leaves on the ground so swish, swish, swish;
swish, swish, swish; swish, swish, swish.
The leaves on the ground go swish, swish, swish,
all through the fall.
(Tune: Ring Around the Rosie)
Autumn winds begin to blow.
Colored leaves fall fast and slow.
Whirling, twirling all around,
Till at last they touch the ground.
Up in the Treetops
(Tune: Up on the Housetop)
Up on the treetops, I see leaves!
They are swaying in the breeze.
First they are green, but when it turns cold,
They change to red and orange and gold.
Go, go, go! Where did they go?
Ho, ho, ho! Don't you know?
That's when the wind blows;swish, swish, swish.
And they come floating down like this!
Leaves Are Falling
(Tune: Jingle Bells)
Leaves are falling
Leaves are falling
One fell on my nose.
Leaves are falling
Leaves are falling
One fell on my toes.
Leaves are falling
Leaves are falling
One fell on my head.
Leaves are falling
Leaves are falling
Yellow, orange, and red.
Books, Books, Books!

Literacy Activities

Write sight words on leaf cutouts. Children can use them to practice reading, for sorting in abc order, and for memory games
(if you make two of each word).
Write nouns and verbs on leaf cutouts. Hole punch a hole in each leaf. Get two tree branches that are about 2-3 feet tall.
"Plant" the trees in two buckets. Attach paper clips to the branches of the trees you've created. Write "nouns"
on one bucket and "verbs" on the other. Children hang leaves on the appropriate tree.
Math Activities

Fall Tree Addition Mats: Cut out tree trunks from brown paper and write addition problems on each tree trunk. Mount trunks
on cardstock (laminate). Set out a container of silk leaves along with the math mats. Children solve the number sentence
and then place that many leaves on the tree. (If you would like the mats to be self checking, write the answers on the back
side of the mat before laminating.)
Leaf graphing: Have children collect leaves and sort them by color. Then the children can create a graph with the results.
Science and Social Studies Connections

Discovering and sorting by attribute: Children explore a variety of leaves and sort them according to attributes (type of
leaf, veins, edges, etc.)
Just For Fun

Read "Look What I Did With a Leaf". Children can create their own leaf creatures. This activity can be extended
with a writing activity as well.
Decorating Ideas

Bulletin Board Idea: A Super Bunch (with bunches of leaves all over).
Bulletin Board Idea: Fall in love with Learning
Bulletin Board Idea: Learning bunches and bunches

Fall poems from CanTeach