Songs and Poems
The Solar System Song
[Tune: A Tisket, a Tasket]
The planets, the planets, I can name the planets.
This brain of mine, it knows all nine.
Listen while I name them.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars and Jupiter,
Saturn and Uranus,
Neptune and then Pluto.
The planets, the planets, I just named the planets.
This brain of mine, it knows all nine,
All in the right order!
Moon Chant
Learn about the moon with me
It's out in space so far away.
No air or water so nothing will grow.
Reflects sunlight so brightly
Appears to change shape in the sky.
Full of craters and rocky.
Books, Books, Books
Literacy Activities
Math Activities
Science and Social Studies Connections
Just For Fun
Balloon Powered Rockets
Have children decorate a lunch sack to look like a rocket. Then give each student a long balloon to blow up and hold the
end. Do not tie. Place the balloon inside the rocket and let the balloon go.
Decorating Ideas
I purchased a very large piece of black fabric that stretched across one side of the room. I snipped small holes in it all
over the place and put white christmas lights through the holes (on the back side). I had to secure them with small pieces
of duct tape. It made it look like the night sky.
Nasa for kids
Sea and Sky Site