Who is a writer?
==> Enthusiastically introduce writer's workshop! Show excitement in your voice.
==> Ask who the kids think a writer is.
==> Read story
==> Wow! You guys are writers. I am so excited. I can't wait to see your very first piece.
==> Talk about writers. Writers practice everyday. Writers share their thoughts on paper. Writers write words and
make pictures.
==> We will have writer's workshop everyday. Everyday you will get the opportunity to practice writing. Everyday
you will grow as a writer. Everyday you will take your thoughts and ideas and you will put them on paper to share with others.
==> Let me show you what it will look like. (Put your name and date at the top of your paper. Then think aloud about
what you want to write about.) I am gong to write about our fist day of school. Draw a quick sketch of the children writing.
Then write one or two sentences under the drawing (We had writer's workshop. It was fun.)
==> Now you are going to get a chance to write your very own piece just like I just did. Pass out papers and let children
go to their tables to write.
What do writers write?
==> Read one of the books listed.
==> Discuss the different types of things that writers write.
==> Create an anchor chart together titled: Writers share IDEAS in many ways.
==> Today we will write just like we did yesterday. I will am going to model what writing looks like. Sketch a simple
drawing and then add one or two sentences beneath your drawing.
==> I can't wait to see what you write about. Select several children to model what it will look like... taking their
paper quietly to their tables and getting started.
The Tools of a Writer
==> Today I am going to give you something very special, Your very own Writer's notebook!
==> Your notebook is like the house for your thoughts and ideas.
==> We will write everyday!
==> Each day we write our name and date the page on the page we are writing on.
==> We always use the next clean page. (model, model, model)
==> You also have a special writing pen. We always use this pen for writing workshop. You will always keep your special
writing pen in your frog binder zipper pouch.
==> Today I am going to show you how to use your notebook. (Model dating page and then thinking aloud as you write
and sketch.) As you write make a mistake.
==> Oh no! I've made a mistake! Oh that's right, it's ok. If I make a mistake or want to change something I just
draw 1 line through the mistake. I don't scribble it out. I don't try to erase it. I just draw one line through it and
go on.
Part B
==> Read Next Stop.
==> After reading the story talk about what "next" means. Explain that it is very important to always use
the NEXT clean page.
==> We always use the next clean page because it helps us find our spot. If we write all over our book we will have
trouble finding our spot the next day.
Writers Write- Workshop Responsibilities
==> What should writer's workshop look and sound like? Create an anchor chart together.
==> Writer's write the whole - when I'm done I've just begun. I can add to my picture, add to my words or start a
new piece.
==> Writers write quietly when the music is on- talk about why it is important to work quietly. Writers need think
time. It is easier to think when it is quiet.
==> Writers stay in one spot- discuss the importance of staying in one spot. Have children model and practice.
Everyone has a story to tell
==> I love to tell stories. There are some really funny things that I could tell you. Tell a memorable story (Rachel
eating my chocolate when she was 1).
==> We all have stories to tell.
==> Read the book You Have to Write
==> Think of a story you have. It might be funny, or sad, or silly, or scary or just plain ordinary.
==> Turn to a talking partner and share a story with them.
==> When you write today think of a story you have just bubbling up inside that would love to come out.
Choosing a Writing Spot
==> I love to write. When I write I like to let my thoughts spill out of my head and onto my paper. It is easier for
me to do that when I have a nice quiet spot.
==> Read story
==> Today you will get to choose your very own writing spot. Some might choose to write at a table because that is
where they focus best. Others might choose to find a quiet spot and lean up against a wall (that's one of my favorites).
Others might want to stretch out on the floor somewhere.
==> Choosing a perfect spot is very important. You want to choose the best spot for you; a spot where you can focus;
a spot where you can be comfortable.
==> Discuss possible problems that might arise in choosing spots: too close to friends, too cramped, too tempting to
playshop or chit chat, etc.
==> Discuss good choices. Select several children to model finding a good spot and getting right to work. Continue
until all children have found a spot.
Why do writers write?
==> Why do you think writers write?
==> It's important to remember that we are writing for the reader.
==> I want to tell you a very sad story that I think might help some of you. One day I took home a pile of writing
papers that my class had written. I was really excited to read them. I picked up one of the papers and was reading and then
all of a sudden the writing got really messy and I couldn't read any more of the words. It made me so sad because I really
wanted to know what happened next.
==> When we write we want to do our best work because we want the readers to enjoy themselves.
Author's Share
==> Writer's write so others can enjoy their thoughts and ideas and stories.
==> Each day at the end of writing workshop we will come together in the pond for an author's share. You will have
the opportunity to share your writing with others so they can enjoy your thoughts, ideas and stories.
==> Here is how it will work. You will bring your writer's notebook to the pond and sit on top of it if you would
like to share. When I ask you if you would like to share you should answer "Yes, thank you." You may then stand
up and read your piece.
==> It is important you use your author voice so that everyone can hear you.
==> Let's practice.
Writers help each other
==> Read Bear Feels Sick
==> When Bear got sick his friends came to help him.
==> We can help each other as writers too.
==> We call these helpers our writing partners.
==> What are some ways that Bear's friends helped him. How do you think writing partners might help each other?
==> I will assign you each a writing partner.
==> Each day you will talk with your writing partner about what you will write. You can help each other by listening
to your partners ideas and helping them when they ask for help.
==> What kinds of things do you think writing partners shouldn't do?
==> When you need help you can quietly ask your writing partner.
Lesson: Talk Time
==> Each day before we write we take time to talk about our thoughts and ideas with our talking partner.
==> Teach sitting with an eyeball partner- you can see their eyeballs, knees touching.
==> Practice using quiet talking voices.
==> Explain that we talk to our talking partners to get us ready for writing. It helps us bubble up our thoughts so
they are ready to come out onto our paper.
Lesson: Conferring/Vest
==> While you are writing, I have a job too. My job is to confer with writers.
==> Conferring is when we get together and we talk about your writing and your learning. I will listen to your piece.
We will celebrate your growth as a writer and I will teach you something that will help you to keep growing as a writer.
==> Conferring is a very important time. I will confer with each of you every week.
==> When I am conferring with someone you should not interrupt. I will wear my vest when I am conferring. It will
remind you not to interrupt.
==> What should you do if you need help when I am conferring with someone? Make a chart (ask your writing partner,
use your resources, put a note on the help me chart)
Lesson 1-12
Lesson: There's only one teacher
==> After reading one of the stories talk about how this story connects with writer's workshop.
==> Writer's workshop goes more smoothly when we remember that we must share the teacher.
==> What do you think we should do when we need help?
==> Should we.....
.......follow the teacher around like her shadow?
.......tug at the teachers sleeve?
.......interrupt her when she's helping someone else
.......poke the teacher?
.......shout out for help?
==> One of the things you can do when you need help is to write me a note on the white board. When I am done helping
one of our friends I will check the board to see who needs help. I will do my best to get to everyone.
==> Let's practice.
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