Lesson: Writers put spaces between words (Spaghetti and meatballs)
==> Writers put spaces between their letters and their words.
==> Show a piece of writing from a previous year where there are no space or write a piece on the board without any
==> Wow, it's hard to read words when there aren't any spaces.
==> When I write I think about yummy spaghetti and meatballs. Writers put small spaces between words, like spaghetti
spaces. Writers put bigger spaces between words, like meatball spaces.
Lesson: Writers write from left to right
Lesson: Giving compliments in Author's Share
Lesson 2-4
Lesson: Writers write about what's near and dear to their heart
Lesson: Writers write about something that's important to them
Lesson: Writers write about things in the world
Lesson 2-7
Lesson: Writers write about their lives
Interview with Tomie DePaola
Lesson 2-8
Lesson: Making Lists
Lesson 2-9
Lesson: Writers can label
Lesson 2-10
Lesson: Writers stretch out words/ Use a magic line
Lesson 2-11
Lesson: Writer's Stretch out words and listen for the ending sound
Lesson 2-12
Lesson: Writers use a capital letter to start each sentence.
Lesson 2-13
Lesson: Writers end a sentence with a punctuation mark.
Lesson 2-14
Lesson: Hitting the target
==> When an archer shoots an arrow he doesn't just pull back and shoot. He has a target. The little circle in the
middle is of a target is called a bullseye.
==> In this story Robin Hood is an excellent archer. He hits the middle of the target, the bullseye.
==> Why does an archer need a target?
==> Writers need a target too. A writing target is like a goal; it's what we are shooting at as we become a better
==> My target one day might be to work hard to stretch out my words or maybe I might decide that I need to work on
using lowercase letters.
==> When I am finished writing I can go back and see how I did. I can see if I hit the target. If I don't have a
target I don't know what I am working on.
Lesson 2-15
Lesson: Writers use resources to help them write
Lesson 2-16
Lesson: Writers paint a picture in the reader's mind